The Official Beer of the Road Trip

We have decided on Coopers Sparkling as the official beer for the Road Trip We Can Believe In.

Unlike official beers for other road trips, this is not the beer we will be drinking but the benchmark to which all American Beers will be judged.

What the manufacturer says:

The ale by which all others should be measured. With its famous cloudy sediment and its distinctive balance of malt, hops and fruity characters, the old 'Red Label' is a tasty slice of Coopers history.

Little has changed since Thomas Cooper produced his first batch of Coopers Sparkling Ale in 1862.

It's still brewed naturally using the century old top fermentation method and it still tastes great!

Sparkling Ale contains no additives or preservatives.
Alc/Vol 5.8%

What Aussies Barracking for Obama says:

This is a tough challenge for any American beer to match.

A popular Australian breakfast beer Coopers Sparkling is also perfect any time of the day - knocking back a six pack at the beach, drinking a slab with mates over a BBQ, preparing the Beer Goggles at the Espy and it is even better for watching Australia kick the world's arse at sport.

It seems to bring out a special quality when combined with watching Rugby - encouraging all pub drinkers to attempt line-outs, AFL spekkies, starting headbutting competitions with fire-hydrants and doing the old 'crouch-touch-pause-engage' with the 112 tram to Albert Park Lake.

Strong enough to sterilise the barbie or clean sump oil from engine parts but delicate enough for washing fine china - its has even more uses than WD40.

Sparkling Ale contains the special ability to instantly wipe your memory and teleport you to the nearest souvlaki bar.

Alc/Vol - plenty

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